Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe & Ballet Jahfena Youth Ensemble

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It Takes a Village to Raise Our Future!

Our Spirit

Our Mission is to preserve, present and promote African and African American Traditional and Contemporary fine and performing arts, with the goal of attaining an appreciation for African Traditions & Contemporary arts throughout diversified communities. To make quality arts programs available to the underserved communities

Community Building

Our Spirit

Our Vision is to utilize artists and all forms of the arts to bring about healing, harmony and world peace. To create  respect, love and familihood as it once was in our villages. African Dance and African Drumming has a way of healing the mind, body and soul, as well as uplifting the spirit. Our vision is to see every community experience the love, hope and power of Africa and it's spiritual healing powers of the drum and dance. No matter what country!     

Ashe, Ashe, Ashe,

Culture Is A Way Of Life

Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe, Inc. attempts to facilitates the audiences understanding of African traditions, as they relate to American society and the societies of our ancestors. Concerts illustrate the authentic magnificence of the dances and rhythms with a display of movement and costuming that is entrancing. Workshops encourage participants to actually learn the dance and rhythms while lecture-demonstrations "tell" and "show" specific cultural concepts in depths. "LKNT" offers a glance at several aspects of West African societies. Repertoire includes dances and rhythms from Mali, Guinea, Senegal, South Africa, Liberia, Gambia, Nigeria, Ghana, The Congo and Zaire. Our performance is a learning experience, and through them, we express true creativity and excitement. It is a lasting impression for those who experience it. It is very suitable for diverse audiences.



Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe, is Ki-Swahilli meaning soft and gentle, creativity thru drum & dance.

Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe, Inc.  is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Tax Exempt Arts Organization of dancers, drummers and individuals dedicated to bringing African cultural art forms and valves to wide attention, with the goal of attaining appreciation for African traditions throughout a diversified community. "LKNT" views education as an essential part of it's mission as we promote and understanding of traditional African culture and history, as we know it. We promote the arts in all forms through performances, lectures, and workshops with the public.  "LKNT" has offices in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.  As one of New Orleans/ Houston's premiere Contemporary and Traditional African Dance Troupes. "LKNT" will continue to broaden the cultural and artistic environment with our passionate and exciting presentation of Contemporary and Traditional dance, theatre and visual art presentations. (Due to Hurricane Katrina and Rita we have presently combined our New Orleans office with our Houston office)


Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe, Inc. began as a family organization in 1962. One of the first African-American dance and Multi-Cultural arts organizations in the state of Louisiana and Mississippi. Founded by Queen Mother Suma Diarra, as she recognized a need for multicultural enrichment in Louisiana, Mississippi and move into Texas as well as worldwide. After traveling performing and teaching she realized the great need of the youth worldwide to educate them about their rich cultural heritage and their cultural rights. So Laini Kuumba Ngoma Ngoma Troupe began to educate communities about the rich customs and traditions of Africa and African American life.


Many have traveled this Journey

Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe has been exciting audience for over 47 years. It’s estimated that since its auspicious beginning more that 10,500 or more individuals have been directly involved with the organization. Over the years, "LKNT" has produced many professional artists in a wide variety of artistic disciples. We teach all forms of the Arts, dance, drama, music, arts and crafts, folklore, storytelling, stilt walking and singing.